Creative Methodologies: Transforming Business with Non-Formal Education

Bootcamps | Creative Methodologies | Non-formal Education
Educação não formal Non formal education

Lifelong learning is essential in order to keep up with the evolution of society in the most varied subjects that arise in a personal and professional career. Continuing to learn and deepen knowledge has always been a constant that many successful professionals can’t do without.

In today’s business environment, professionals and entrepreneurs seek to strengthen their skills through training programmes that focus on disseminating information without promoting the incorporation of disruptive methodologies designed to generate innovative concepts. This is where non-formal education complements realised learning and is becoming increasingly important in the business context, given the growing demand and need from companies for more innovative, sustainable and creative solutions.

But what is non-formal education anyway?

Practical and immersive activities centred on the individual and characterised by voluntary participation in experiential and experimental learning activities.

Bootcamps (intensive, short-term training programmes), hackathons (intensive open innovation programmes aimed at solving sectoral problems) or workshops developed outside of traditional methods are non-formal education actions that lead participants to experience new creative methodologies, allowing them to step out of their comfort zone and become more receptive to challenges.

When these actions are applied in entrepreneurial or business environments, participants enter into an intensive experience that encourages the development of their creative capacities and favours the creation or change of their idea and/or business model, or even the day-to-day running of their organisation, with the aim of increasing potential and creating value.


A key approach to leveraging business development

The power of disconnection in non-formal education experiences for entrepreneurs lies in recovering your company’s vision and mission, supporting your transformation as a citizen and professional, enabling a regeneration in your business model and consequently in the economy, by reassessing and redirecting your strategies with a more disruptive vision.

Integrating non-formal education into the corporate culture can be a crucial differentiator for success. As well as providing an environment for continuous learning and innovation, it also gives employees and leaders the opportunity to grow as a whole, positively impacting not only the company’s results, but also society as a whole.


Have you ever thought that taking part in one of these activities – such as a Business Development Bootcamp – could lead you to discover new ways of solving old problems or collaborating with people in different areas?


In addition, companies that invest in non-formal activities for their employees also promote the development of behavioural skills such as leadership and teamwork, which are essential for a collaborative and dynamic work environment.

Through these actions it is also possible to impact not only the business strategy, but also the team that develops it, promoting greater productivity, satisfaction and motivation at work.


In conclusion, non-formal education offers a valuable path for anyone looking to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world. By adopting creative and immersive practices, companies not only encourage the personal and professional development of their employees, but also a culture of innovation and resilience, essential for sustainable success.


Advantages of developing Bootcamps and Hackathons in companies:

  • Development of behavioural skills
  • Motivation and inclusion of employees and partners
  • Increased productivity
  • Strengthening corporate culture
  • Promotion of an environment of innovation and creativity
  • Discovering new solutions
  • Establishing strategic partnerships


How can you integrate a non-formal education initiative into your company?

Hora das Palavras develops different immersive and innovative programmes for entrepreneurs, business people and their teams. With the aim of supporting business growth and success, we are committed to providing unique and transformative experiences.


Is your company looking to disconnect from the conventional and connect with new opportunities?


Talk to us

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