Why hire a communications agency?

Communication | Communication Agency | Strategy
Comunicação communication

“I communicate, therefore I exist” is the maxim I like to use when I first approach potential clients.

The truth is that in this century organisations, be they companies, brands or institutions of all kinds, have become aware of the importance of communication and are now able to see it as an asset for their growth and survival.

The advent of the internet, later on of social media and the development of technologies such as 5G have transformed ordinary people into potential senders, greatly enhancing their ability to receive information as well. People have gone from being mere receivers of information to active senders, all of this in an intense way, as it is something that affects their family, social and professional lives on a daily basis.

But what does a communications agency offer?

An integrated communication strategy. All the transformation that the communications sector has undergone in recent decades has meant that the areas of specialisation have grown exponentially. Today we can easily talk about digital marketing, press relations, paid media, events organisation, reputation management or digital influencers, but what is the common thread behind all this? Strategy…

A communications agency first focuses on defining its client’s communications strategy: what are we going to communicate? When? To whom? And for what purpose? It then draws up a creative communication plan to differentiate its client from the competition, where it defines the communication channels and the message it will use for the strategy to be successful.

Have I convinced you? 

I invite you to do the following exercise: Imagine you’re in a time machine and travelling back to 1968, a year rich in events. Think about the media you have at your disposal (TV, radio, press, cinema, billboards, mail…), can the strategy I listed above be applied? Yes, so if it could be applied 55 years ago, it can also be applied another 55 years from now, so it fits the present.

Why choose Hora das Palavras?

Our mission is to facilitate communication for our clients. Whether they are large or small organisations, we strive to respond pragmatically to the challenges we face.

  • We have a multidisciplinary team and a network of partners who complement our range of services, which is why we call ourselves a “One-Stop-Agency”.

  • We centralise the client’s communication based on the strategy we have defined, bringing together the necessary resources to achieve the results we have set ourselves, avoiding the client having to hire, for example, a communication agency, another digital marketing agency and an e-commerce consultancy.

That’s why we’re proud to say that we’re communication facilitators!

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